Saturday, February 29, 2020

All Hail the Weirdos

The places the make me content are the endless rows of books at a library, a whimsical town in a Sarah Addison Allen novel, and a multitude of other places. There is not just one place that makes me content, the world is filled with amazing places from the Parthenon to Buckingham Palace. How could I choose just one? In these places I experience a rush of happiness that keeps my soul warm for a moment of bliss. The only thing that can keep that warmth and content pulsing through my veins are my friends. Wherever they are I will always be. Half the time, my hands begin to twitch with anger and annoyance when my friends come around, ready at a moments notice to slap them silly. But that annoyance easily gives away to laughter and smiles. Its because we CAN annoy and poke fun at each other that we are close friends. After all, its when my friends are not making fun of me that I need to worry. However, there is a second layer to my group of lovable morons which makes me want keep them in my arms for eternity. My friends were raised in chaotic households that could even make the most hardened criminal grimace. We often laugh and joke about the peculiar experiences weve had because of the deranged families we were born into. But, sometimes those laughs turn to faces stained with tears and heartache, this is when the meaning behind my friendships clearly emerges. We have been brought together through hell and high water to pick up the pieces of each others lives when we fall apart, we are the sticky glue that holds each other together. That and loads of inappropriate jokes fueled by plenty of Swedish Fish. I am perfectly content in any place as long as my friends are there as well. We always help each other through every strange problem and we always make each other laugh until our sides hurt at every strange joke. None of our lives are even close to perfect, and I would nev er want it any other way.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Analysis of the costs and benefits of China`s economic reforms in last Essay

Analysis of the costs and benefits of China`s economic reforms in last decades - Essay Example The early reforms were more definite since they were responses to definite problems and crisis of that period. In the second phase, the reforms were adapted to new set of challenges and opportunities (Naughton, p.107). China has shown a remarkable economic progress after centuries of oppression by the Westerners. Recently the China Daily newspaper has conferred that the nation is an example to all nations who are struggling to stand on their own feet (Callick, 13). In 1991, General Secretary Jiang Zemin that temporary difficulties cannot prevent the Chinese from continuing to develop (Saich, 75). This paper is the best example of analysis of the pros and cons of China’s economic reforms in recent decades. In the early 1990s, China’s approach towards economy resembled any other transitional economies with emphasis on sustaining balanced and efficient financial policies. The principles objectives were to eradicate corruption, promote a developed market economy and maintain fair competition in the domestic market. China’s fiscal policies are mostly complex and have yield varying resulting in different phases of reform. The early reforms were more definite since they were responses to definite problems and crisis of that period. In the second phase, the reforms were adapted to new set of challenges and opportunities. China has shown a remarkable economic progress after centuries of oppression by the Westerners. Recently the China Daily newspaper has conferred that the nation is an example to all nations who are struggling to stand on their own feet. It has been rightly assumed that the conversion of China from state socialism to market economy has generated pervasive corruption. With constant changing of reforms, public official took the opportunity to fulfill their personal ambitions. The factors encouraging corruption became more apparent from the pre-reform era with officials submerged in informal relationships. Market reforms in China have paved the way for growing disparity among different sectors of the society. Since policies now are mostly market based, the former strong relationship between the Communist Party and the Labor has deteriorated. Chinese economy today focuses mainly on urban regions. The transformation phase of China can be educative but only from the perspective of the overall transition

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Evaluating Websites Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Evaluating Websites - Essay Example It is a very motivating website for the kids of grade 1 and grade 2 and it is sure to intrigue them. There are several mathematical concepts that have been described very well on this website and the same can be incorporated from this website. It will simply things for the young students. This website is ideal for grade 2 and grade 3 students and it is little advanced than the first website, it talks about noble prize, flags of different countries, various animals and a host of other stuff. The special feature about this website is its trivia; it is intriguing and makes learning very easy. It can teach the students a lot and hence it should be shown to the students in order to ensure that the students learn a lot of new concepts. This is a very advanced level website and it can even be shown to the 5th grade students, it offers a lot of help on subjects like math, science, social studies. It also provides a lot of information on computers, this adds to the utility of this website. The other websites mentioned above don't offer much help on computers but this website is different and hence it should be shown to the students. This website is very useful when it comes to learning English, it offers a variety of stories to choose from. All the stories have intriguing pictures on them and this is a good way of luring the students to read these stories. This website can of good use to the students, this will surely make their language skills sharper and better than never before. This is why this website must be used in the class. Grade5: Kids.Yahoo Link: Subject: Science This is another very interesting website and certainly the most matured of all the other websites. This website throws light upon concepts like the movement of planets and other related material. It should be shown in the class in order to explain abstruse concepts and in order to make the students understand those abstruse concepts easily. This website has a lot to offer and it must be shown to the students in order to ensure that they learn new concepts with interest.